About us

Our Microfinance app, which goes by the name M-CreditLink, was designed to provide parents, farmers, students, company owners, daily entrepreneurs, and anyone who put in a lot of effort the opportunity to have a paperless and simple online banking experience.

We admire the “hustling” attitude that so many entrepreneurs have used to build successful small companies, and we are aware that financial services for our community should be simple, quick, and available to everyone. We take care of all your Microfinance’s banking and financial requirements and bring them to you at the touch of a button, leaving you in charge of your own destiny while still allowing you to run your business.

Our major aim in implementing our solutions is to aid Kenyan Microfinances in automating their operations, improving the service levels they provide to customers and other stakeholders, and raising their overall productivity. Our very skilled personnel, as well as our customers and partners who have worked with us in the past and who continue to work with us, have all made major contributions to our achievement of this level of success.


To streamline and enhance your Microfinance banking experience by delivering paperless investing, payroll, and financial services at your fingertips. We want to be the premier supplier of financial services that transform people’s lives for the better. Through our financial mobile application, we want to deliver high-quality, expert services geared toward the growth and development of Microfinances, while promoting sustainable development among community members.


Our mission is to positively transform the lives of our community members by providing quality financial services through our innovative, efficient, and reputable practices. We provide seamless, paperless, and community-based banking solutions to ensure you get the best savings and the lowest possible rates on your loan. We endeavor to empower community members economically through our mobile financial application that enhances the mobilization of savings and the provision of affordable credit services. We strive to cultivate long-term connections with all of our stakeholders by providing value-added financial solutions and services that assist them in achieving their goals.

Our Goals

  1. To create a world-class application that
    empowers Microfinance’s in Kenya.
  2. Have more and more customers each day
    and keep a current client happy.
  3. To be one of the best service suppliers
    anyone could possibly purchase from.
  4. To offer exemplary service and meet
    our customer’s expectations.
  5. To increase the number of clients served
    by at least 30% per year through superior
    performance, our website & words of
    mouth referrals.
  6. To meet all project requirements on time.
  7. To keep the quality of work high.
  8. To make deliveries on time.
  9. To offer fair prices from our competitors

Download the M-CreditLink App today

Simplifying sacco operations


SACCO Management System

Manage all SACCO operations

Access all SACCOs under one App

Send reports, remind borrowers or set penalties

What we offer on

 Comprehensive Loan Management System

Loan Management

Add a loan product, manage charges, manage loan application, disbursement and repayments.

Sacco Member Management

Add member full details, upload passport photo and any other support documents.

Member Savings Management

Manage savings products, add charges, add savings and confirm payments.

Staff Management

Add Staff and upload picture and files, set staff roles and permissions

Payroll Management

Add payroll for your Staff and automatically generate pay slips. Also set recurring payroll.


View Accounting Reports, Loan Reports, Savings Reports and Staff Reports

Easy and Quick
to set up your SACCO

We onboard your SACCO within 24 hours

SACCO Account

We create an account with your SACCO details

SACCO Members

Add SACCO members with their full membership details

SACCO Employees

Add SACCO users and give them roles and permissions

Mobile App

Members can request loans and make payments via the app

Easy Ways to Pay
Back a Loan

The only 100% compliant GDPR email search solution!
Credit Card in

The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection.

Through Personal Account

The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection.

At the Cash Desk of Partner Banks


We Care About Your Safety

The only 100% compliant GDPR email search solution!
We honestly talk about loan conditions - without hidden fees & additional fees

On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation.

We are responsible for the safety of your data confirmed by PCI DSS certificate

The charms of pleasure lorem ipsum dolor sit lorem ipsum ammet.

We comply with laws to protect your user rights

Righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled.

Download our Mobile App and Request a Loan

Our Mobile App is developed with the SACCO members in mind for ease of use and loan request and repayment.


Contact us and Start
Managing your SACCO

We make it quick and seamless.

Frequently Asked Questions

The only 100% compliant GDPR email search solution!
Interest Rate Calculation Example?

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words.

Loan Repayment Terms?

The minimum loan term is 1 day. The maximum loan term is 30 days. Estimated annual interest rate is 584%.

Vero eos et accusamus et iusto?

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.

Government Regulation

In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided.

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